浙江万里学院迎2016新年晚会隆重举行 创新学院与国际学院完美演绎《前门情思大碗茶》

The perfect show named The Front Wall Tea received great compliments in 2016 New Year Party of Wanli University



The 2016 New Year Party of Wanli University was held in the Developing Center on Dec. 23rd. The play named The Front Wall Tea which was performed by both performers from the Innovation College and the International College have received great compliments .


As the singer walked onto the stage with a bird cage in one hand and a paper fan in the other, some traditional scenes full of Beijing flavor were shown in succession, including rubber band skipping, chess playing and candied haws being sold on a stick. The Beijing-style tune, the colorful Tang suit, and antiques brought the memory of the Old Peking to people's mind. Through the wonderful stage sets including the long and wooden tables, traditional porcelain bowls, and candied haws on a stick, as well as the imitation of the original Old Peking lifestyle, the cooperation between the Innovation College and International College won a burst of warm applause.



The performance not only shows the actors’ tacit cooperation, but also further develops the friendship between Innovation College and International College. It reveals not only the old Beijing exquisite art of life, but also the spirit of our students.

 (文/李 萍  戴晨露   摄/姜  楠  崔兴鲁  厉舒怡)

 (翻 译/孙佳颖   校 对/童佳汇  计丹娜)