12:30, August 24th in Beijing time, I saw the sunrise in France for the first time at Paris CDG Airport. It was still sprinkling when I got off the plane and I saw the rosy color of the dawn spreading all over the sky. Finally I arrived at the train station exhaustedly by the airport shuttle with two 28 inch luggage. But I missed the last train because of my poor French. With the help from a translation app and my French teacher, I arrived at Poitiers—the capital of Poitou-Charentes after taking the TGV for 1h30. It is a peaceful town which is lodgeable with baby-blue sky.
普瓦捷是一个坐落在山上的大学城。它没有巴黎的繁华,也没有马赛的热情,更没有普罗旺斯的风情。但它古老,石板路、古建筑和遍布在整个城市的老教堂;它友好,走在街上常常能听到当地人面带微笑地说bonjour,自己的脚步也随之变得轻快了起来。它静谧悠闲,夜晚的bistro常常有人坐着边喝酒边闲聊,烛光闪烁。而我所在的普瓦捷高商(escem),法国高商排名第19。在古老的学院建筑(隔壁就是市政厅),有热情的巴西老太指导我们国际学生的日常生活学习,也有上课风趣的任课老师。法国的学习生活大多以小组合作学习为主,每门课结课都要求学生做一个project presentation 以及当堂essay,老师看重的不是你所学的知识,而是通过学习表达出你个人的idea,这是每一门课老师传递给我们的观念。
Poitiers is a university community, although it is not as luxuriant as Paris, passionate as Marseille, exotic as Provence. It has a history over 2000 years, and dozens of remarkable medieval monuments including many churches from the Romanesque era. It is also friendly, because I can hear people saying “bonjour!” with very bright smile while wandering on the street. Poitiers is peaceful, too. It is usual to see people drinking and chatting with the candles on at the bistro in the night.
The escem I study in, ranks 19th in the list of France ecole de management. In the medieval style architechture (the town hall located next to the escem), a passionate Brazilian teacher guides we international students’ daily life and study. We also have humorous teachers in class. In the French education system, the professor provides lectures, and we students do group project and presentation or essay in class. The professor encourages us to present our ideas and thoughts instead of showing what we learn in the class.
During the 57 days living in France, I have taken buses to the supermarket to purchase a quilt, pots and other life expenses. I also drank in the pub at midnight. I have learned how to open a bank account and communicated with bank clerks. I have already got a long stay certificate in France. What is more, I have developed to be a good cook. I went to rowing in saint cyl, went to Antony -- the suburb of Paris to visit old friends, went to Paris to visit the tour Eiffel, le musee de Louvre, Seine River and listened to royalty story in the palace of Versailles. I also have spent a different Mid Autumn Festival in Bordeaux, went to Rennes to visit my friend from shanghai...
For me, language barrier is the biggest difficulty. People in France don't that willing to speak English. So I try to speak French and believe that everything will be better. I have transformed from a little girl who can never being apart from parents to girl having a strong heart. I think my biggest change that the French life brings to me is the concept of life. I have learned to keep trying but never timid anymore. Thanks Innovation College for giving me this rare opportunity, and life in France will definitely to be a memorable experience.
Poitiers, France