

徐畅 创新143

  摘录:人们经常提到“American Dream”,还记得《中国合伙人》里,佟大为和黄晓明心心念念的美国梦,而当自己踏上那片土地,在那里学习生活一个月,真的很Amazing。在美国游学的日子,我们和学长学姐们、老师们一起在莫瑞学习、生活,很快乐,有着快乐与爱的感知,其实不是你看过了多少美景,尝过多少美食,而是陪伴着你做这件事的人,与其说这趟美国游学是一次学习,是一场美国东海岸旅行,而更是一场解放天性与生活束缚的体会爱的过程。这场关于老美探索、关于美食寻觅、关于中美日韩台交流、关于解放天性的爱的旅行,我很幸运,这也应该是我做的最coolest的事情!

  As a professor said , If you want to learn a language ,you’d better learn its culture. I major in English, and I have to say that this deep immersion American culture tour really is of great help with my English study. My curiosity about language and culture ,daily study, and the commitment to use English in every possible situation help a lot. In Murray, my heart had been surrendered by the amazing scenery and kind American friends. And I ‘ll never forget the fantastic time we spent together. I ‘ll miss them.

张尤佳 创新143


  The people in the large city can only live in their tiny square meters house, and go out every day packing into crowds to work. This feeling is embodied in Manhattan, New York. It has horrible Crowds, severe traffic jams. Something good is people there obey the rules and orders, and streets are clean.In particular,, the crowded scenes in Wall Street at the time to home shocked me.

胡迪 创新143


  I think even if you are not to study abroad, you also should seize a chance to go out. It is a good chance to gain information, broaden horizon. Because when you stay there in person, you will feel more real and shock. In china, what you hear, what you know is totally someone told you, you need to feel, distinguish them personally. I hope this is a little help for you.

牟婉婷 创新143


  Brooklyn is the city of center New York City, it has one platform of the walls are covered with graffiti, with iron man the word to describe the station without excessive. Walking on the Manhattan center, the statue of liberty as the divine glory and so on, multi-faceted and colorful New York emerge eyes. We go to Boston road of freedom, walk every Harvard students will go way, touch Mr. Harvard's right foot, go to MIT feel science genius in the world.

陶最 创新142


  I fell in love with America. After transferring from the Dallas, we went to the city where the school located—Greenville. Unlucky, we arrived late so the service of the hotel was ending. We had to stay at the airport. What’s worse, we felt tired after the long time flight. However, with the help of the teacher we took a taxi. When we sat on the taxi, we learn the American sense of time. The day was the first day that we arrived in America, we faced many challenge.The hotel we lived for the first night was a real surprise for us, which cheered us up at midnight.

张梦珂 创新133


  It is the dream from my childhood to go out of our country and experience the difference in foreign country. Though it was the dream from my childhood,I didn’t know what should I prepare and I didn’t know what should I pay attention to.When many important forms came to me , I really lost myself. I was afraid of everything, worried weather I could handle the trouble happened in USA, concerned about my poor spoken English. So, because of the anxiety.

钱飞扬 创新132

  摘录:将近一个月的游学之旅可以称得上是excellent来形容,首先在Murray State University为期三周的ESL课程学习,课程的学习总的来说就是a piece of cake,每天上完课就可以和小伙伴们玩耍或者去健身房。最后一周是在纽约、新泽西、华盛顿等城市的短期旅行,在这期间也是自己找到了一些机会去自己探索一番。美国行让我对美国的认识不再局限于每天看的美剧,这次交流活动让我真的走进了并且体验了美剧中的生活,过了一把老美瘾。同时,我也进一步体会到并不是所有事物都跟美剧中一样,在美国并不是所有人都过着高科技随身的日子,也不是每条街道都是一尘不染,但是了解最深刻的还是美国之行中所体会到的“美式自由”,而这种“美式自由”,我在这里引用同学经常说的一个词——Free Style.

  The freedom shows in regime, education and life. The United States is a country with a federal system, which means that the states are of degree of autonomy with legal and political differences as well as their own characteristics. Politics as the guiding force of a country, undoubtedly has strengthened the idea of freedom among the people of the United States.

诸可 创新131

  摘录:美国天气超棒的。蓝天白云和广阔的草地,套用一句台湾同学形容日本的话,“走在街上连空气都是香的!”由于我们去的时候天气太热走在街上根本没心情闻空气。不过环境是真的很不错,人也都很有礼貌,甚至到了擦肩而过都会说一句excuse me 的程度。在国外我会把礼貌用语挂在嘴边,回国了发现根本没这个氛围。许是因为人生地不熟,我觉得大美的包容性特强,打扮得多怪异也没人觉得你奇怪,穿得再暴露也不会被另眼相待。这是一种长期形成的包容性的文化,包容世界各地来自各个文化的人来这里创造出新的American culture。美国的历史这么短,却在世界上有这么大的影响力,这一点其实很值得我们思考。

  I will not forget the wonderful days in Muarry United University forever~ there are lots of lovely people and awesome experiences. I wish I will have chance to come back to there one day so that I can buy more cheap stuff which I did not buy this time. Hah, one month is so short that I have to leave when we just got used to living there. I will miss all of good friends there and I will also miss the wonderful place.



  It was a pretty wonderful experience studying there. However, our trip in the last week was more exciting and more impressive. We have been to White House, several memorial halls of past presidents, three world-famous universities----Columbia University, Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and visited Wall Street, The Fifth Avenue, and Statue of Liberty. It was a splendid trip covering politics, academy and economics. However, Wall Street and MIT impressed me most.

范晓伟 创新132


  Many years ago, I think going abroad is an unnecessary things. But during four weeks , I think even if you are not to study abroad, you also should give you a chance to go out. It is a good chance to promote your dream and broaden horizon. Because living a life by yourself will help us to start thinking our life and your own future.All in all, I really had a wonderful time this summer.